Domino is a game that can be played in a variety of ways. It is not only a fun pastime but also an excellent educational tool for learning mathematics and social skills. It is a symbol of tradition and camaraderie and is enjoyed by people of all ages around the world. Its enduring appeal and cultural significance make domino more than just a set of dominoes, but a lifestyle that is loved by millions of people worldwide.

A domino is a rectangular piece of wood with numbered ends that match one another. These numbered ends are separated by non-matching ends that can either be square or pointed. The numbering of the ends varies from set to set. Each domino has a different set of rules for play, and it is important to know the specific rules of a particular game.

The first step in playing a domino is to shuffle the tiles and draw a hand of six. The player with the heaviest domino makes the first play of the game. This player is referred to as the setter, the downer or the lead. He then places his tile, face up, on the end of a line of already-played dominoes. The resulting domino chain develops a snake-line shape as players add their own tiles. A domino must be placed so that the two matching sides are adjacent unless it is a double, which may be played across or against the line of play.

Once a player has made his first play, other players take turns adding to the chain. Each added domino must fit with the previous tile in the chain, and the entire line of dominoes must be positioned so that it is parallel to the chain and touching at the center.

During this time, a person can create domino art. Domino art is a form of geometric assemblage that can be as simple or as complex as the artist chooses. For example, a domino artist might plan out straight lines or curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, stacked walls or 3-D structures like towers or pyramids. The artist can even create a domino track for trains or cars to run on.

After each turn, the players may be left with some dominoes in their hands that they are not allowed to buy (see “Buying”) for later play. If there are enough of these excess tiles, the winner of a game can count the total number of pips on them and add this to his score.

In fiction, domino effect refers to any action that causes a sequence of events that are similar to the action of a domino falling from one side to the other. When used correctly, the domino effect can help readers understand the logic of a scene and give them permission to accept immoral actions by heroes as being justified. In addition, it can help them relate to a character and keep liking them despite their moral misdeeds.

How to Play Domino